Price Match Guarantee


Price Match Guarantee

If you find a lower price on an identical item, Builders will match it – just bring us the competitor’s current ad or printed price, or we will call to verify the item price and availability.


The Price Match Guarantee applies only to cash and carry purchases (no in-store charge accounts). Closeout, special order, discontinued, clearance, liquidation, and damaged items are excluded. The competitor must have the item in stock. Rebate, gift card, or store credit offers or those requiring other conditions may also be excluded. On percent-off sales, Builders will match the competitor’s percent-off offer. This guarantee is limited to reasonable quantities for homeowner and one-house order quantities for contractors.  Again, note that purchases must be cash, check or credit card to qualify. Delivery, labor, or other service charges are excluded. Builders reserves the right to reject any price match that cannot be verified.